Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Krav Maga - comparison


Israeli self defence system, made up of different techniques from Wing Chun, Judo, Wrestling, Muay Thai, boxing and grabbling. It was founded by Imi Licfhtenfeld between the 1930 and 40. The main concept of this self defence system or Martial art is the neutralization of the opponent and the application of simultaneous offensive and defensive techniques.
Comparing to what we do

Commonalities: As Krav maga, Sprit combat is a mixed martial arts system, making use of hitting techniques with different parts of the body, garbling, throwing, locking and ground work.

Differences: We tend to focus a bit more on the artistic side through the application of traditional martial arts such as Aikido, Jiu Jiutsu and Kung Fu. This also influencing our use of weapons both on a self defence level and on an artistic level.

Reflection: Independent  from the art, being a modern or traditional self defence system, it is the ability to preserve once life and the once you love that should be the important factor. This can only be achieved by having the right attitude, independent from what it is going on around you.

I would like to know your views on this, are their more common things or differences that I have missed out?

Martial Arts Seminar and Spirit Combat Grading Saturday 14th October is the Day when we will be celebrating 32 years of Spiri...